
Shiv Bhakta 1955

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Shiv Bhakta

Shahu Modak, Padmini (actress), Ragini (actress), Pandari Bai, Mishra

Directed by H. L. N. Simha, H L M Sinha

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Production Companies

A V M Production

Distributed by

AVM Productions



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Shiv-Bhakta is a 1955 Indian mythological film, directed by D.D. Kashyap and produced by Prakash Pictures. It stars Pradeep Kumar, Veena Kumari, Jagdeep, Tun Tun and Cuckoo. The film tells the story of a poor woodcutter named Shiv (Pradeep Kumar) who lives near a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. Despite his poverty, he is devoted to his faith and regularly visits the temple to pay respects to the Lord. One day, his visit is interrupted by an arrogant king and his courtiers, who demand offerings from Shiv as if he were a beggar. But Shiv stands firm and refuses to give in to their demands. Shiv's courage and devotion move the Lord Shiva, who appears before him and grants him a wish. Shiv asks for wealth and power so that he can protect the temple and its devotees from further insult. Lord Shiva agrees and transforms Shiv into a powerful king. Now, with newfound strength, Shiv fights back against the tyrant king and restores peace and prosperity to the temple and its devotees. In the en...
Shiv-Bhakta is a 1955 Indian mythological film, directed by D.D. Kashyap and produced by Prakash Pictures. It stars Pradeep Kumar, Veena Kumari, Jagdeep, Tun Tun and Cuckoo. The film tells the story of a poor woodcutter named Shiv (Pradeep Kumar) who lives near a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. Despite his poverty, he is devoted to his faith and regularly visits the temple to pay respects to the Lord. One day, his visit is interrupted by an arrogant king and his courtiers, who demand offerings from Shiv as if he were a beggar. But Shiv stands firm and refuses to give in to their demands. Shiv's courage and devotion move the Lord Shiva, who appears before him and grants him a wish. Shiv asks for wealth and power so that he can protect the temple and its devotees from further insult. Lord Shiva agrees and transforms Shiv into a powerful king. Now, with newfound strength, Shiv fights back against the tyrant king and restores peace and prosperity to the temple and its devotees. In the end, the king repents for his mistakes and promises not to repeat them. Shiv-Bhakta is a

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