
Bhagwan Parshuram 1970

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Bhagwan Parshuram

Helen, Jeevan, Sunder, Sulochana, Jayashree Gadkar

Directed by Babubhai Mistry

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Mewar Film Intl



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Bhagwan Parshuram is a Hindi movie based on the legendary story of the Hindu god Parshuram. The movie follows Parshuram's life from his birth to his death. He was born to Renuka and Jamadagni, part of the Bhargava race. He was an expert archer, known for his strength and courage. He used his skills to protect his family and the people of his kingdom. He also waged war against the Kshatriyas, who had become oppressive rulers, in order to restore justice to the kingdom. After defeating them, he established the Brahmin caste system, which ensured that Brahmins would be given respect and privileges over other castes. He is also credited with introducing the use of iron and steel to India. The movie portrays Parshuram as a brave warrior, devoted son and compassionate leader. It shows how he fought for justice and fairness, while still respecting others. It also highlights the importance of treating all people equally, regardless of their caste or religion. In the end, it demonstrates how...
Bhagwan Parshuram is a Hindi movie based on the legendary story of the Hindu god Parshuram. The movie follows Parshuram's life from his birth to his death. He was born to Renuka and Jamadagni, part of the Bhargava race. He was an expert archer, known for his strength and courage. He used his skills to protect his family and the people of his kingdom. He also waged war against the Kshatriyas, who had become oppressive rulers, in order to restore justice to the kingdom. After defeating them, he established the Brahmin caste system, which ensured that Brahmins would be given respect and privileges over other castes. He is also credited with introducing the use of iron and steel to India. The movie portrays Parshuram as a brave warrior, devoted son and compassionate leader. It shows how he fought for justice and fairness, while still respecting others. It also highlights the importance of treating all people equally, regardless of their caste or religion. In the end, it demonstrates how Parshuram’s legacy has been remembered throughout Indian culture and history.

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