
Jeevan Sangram 1974

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Jeevan Sangram

Shashi Kapoor, Iftekhar, Tarun Bose, Radha Saluja, Padma Khanna

Directed by Rajbans Khanna

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Jeevan Sangram is a Bollywood movie released in 1975. It tells the story of two brothers, Jeevan and Sangram, who are inseparable despite their differences. They live in a small village and are devoted to each other. Jeevan is the elder brother and has a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards his family. He works hard to provide for them. Meanwhile, Sangram is more carefree and mischievous. Despite their differences, they both share a deep bond. The brothers' lives change when a wealthy businessman arrives in their village with the intent of enticing Jeevan to join him in Calcutta. Jeevan is hesitant but eventually decides to go, leaving Sangram behind. However, on his journey, he finds himself in a difficult situation and must make a tough decision between loyalty to his family and loyalty to his friend. In the end, Jeevan chooses to stay with his family, unable to bear the thought of leaving Sangram behind. The film celebrates the strength of their bond and the importance...
Jeevan Sangram is a Bollywood movie released in 1975. It tells the story of two brothers, Jeevan and Sangram, who are inseparable despite their differences. They live in a small village and are devoted to each other. Jeevan is the elder brother and has a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards his family. He works hard to provide for them. Meanwhile, Sangram is more carefree and mischievous. Despite their differences, they both share a deep bond. The brothers' lives change when a wealthy businessman arrives in their village with the intent of enticing Jeevan to join him in Calcutta. Jeevan is hesitant but eventually decides to go, leaving Sangram behind. However, on his journey, he finds himself in a difficult situation and must make a tough decision between loyalty to his family and loyalty to his friend. In the end, Jeevan chooses to stay with his family, unable to bear the thought of leaving Sangram behind. The film celebrates the strength of their bond and the importance of family.

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