
Lagaaam 1976

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Yogeeta Bali, Bindu (actress), Prem Chopra, C.S. Dubey, Farida Jalal

Directed by Desh Gautam

Release Date Jan 01, 1976

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Lagaam is a 1976 Bollywood drama about a man named Anand, who lives in a rural village with his family. He's been struggling to make ends meet and lead a better life for his family. One day, he meets a rich landowner, Mr. Saxena, who has come to the village looking for a capable manager to run his estate. Anand is offered the job and moves to the city with his family. He quickly learns that his employer is a ruthless businessman who cares only about money and profits, and employs unethical practices to get what he wants. Despite this, Anand manages to successfully run the estate and earns the respect of both Mr. Saxena and the villagers. However, when his employer discovers that Anand has been helping the local people in secret, he orders him to leave. Anand refuses, and instead challenges Mr. Saxena to a Lagaam - a traditional Indian sporting event - with the winner keeping the estate. In the end, Anand wins the match and is able to keep his job, as well as bring prosperity to the vil...
Lagaam is a 1976 Bollywood drama about a man named Anand, who lives in a rural village with his family. He's been struggling to make ends meet and lead a better life for his family. One day, he meets a rich landowner, Mr. Saxena, who has come to the village looking for a capable manager to run his estate. Anand is offered the job and moves to the city with his family. He quickly learns that his employer is a ruthless businessman who cares only about money and profits, and employs unethical practices to get what he wants. Despite this, Anand manages to successfully run the estate and earns the respect of both Mr. Saxena and the villagers. However, when his employer discovers that Anand has been helping the local people in secret, he orders him to leave. Anand refuses, and instead challenges Mr. Saxena to a Lagaam - a traditional Indian sporting event - with the winner keeping the estate. In the end, Anand wins the match and is able to keep his job, as well as bring prosperity to the village.

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