
Humane 2024

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Jay Baruchel, Emily Hampshire, Peter Gallagher, Enrico Colantoni, Sebastian Chacon

Directed by Caitlin Cronenberg

Release Date Apr 26, 2024

Run Time (Minutes) 94

Humane video thumbnail
Total Revenue includes Worldwide Box Office Receipts plus Non-Theatrical licensing and Digital streaming Rights
Total $ 0.027
Total Revenue includes Worldwide Box Office Receipts plus Non-Theatrical licensing and Digital streaming Rights
All Ratings are on a Scale of 1 to 10

Production Companies

Victory Man Productions

Prospero Pictures

Telefilm Canada

Red Jar Capital

XYZ Films


Distributed by

Elevation Pictures

Elevation Pictures (Canada)

IFC Films (US)



Humane image movie info

Box office Verdict

Not enough data available
Box office $ 0.027
Total Revenue - All Sources$ 0.027
* All figures are in Millions of Dollars

Movie trailers


In a world devastated by climate change and overpopulation, humanity faces a chilling reality. World leaders, desperate to curb an ecological crisis, enact a horrifying solution: forced euthanasia. A mandatory quota demands 20% of the population be culled.

Enter the Yorks, a seemingly ordinary family thrown into turmoil by this global nightmare. Charles, the patriarch, a once-celebrated news anchor, gathers his family in their luxurious home as the world grapples with this nightmarish new policy. Tensions simmer within the York household as they confront their own mortality and the ethical quagmire of who gets chosen.

The film isn't your typical horror flick with jump scares and gore. Instead, the horror lies in the unsettling believability of this dystopian nightmare. It's a family drama with a nightmarish twist, forcing the Yorks to confront the unthinkable: who among them will face mandatory euthanasia?

It could be the story of only one family, but it is not. The entire...

In a world devastated by climate change and overpopulation, humanity faces a chilling reality. World leaders, desperate to curb an ecological crisis, enact a horrifying solution: forced euthanasia. A mandatory quota demands 20% of the population be culled.

Enter the Yorks, a seemingly ordinary family thrown into turmoil by this global nightmare. Charles, the patriarch, a once-celebrated news anchor, gathers his family in their luxurious home as the world grapples with this nightmarish new policy. Tensions simmer within the York household as they confront their own mortality and the ethical quagmire of who gets chosen.

The film isn't your typical horror flick with jump scares and gore. Instead, the horror lies in the unsettling believability of this dystopian nightmare. It's a family drama with a nightmarish twist, forcing the Yorks to confront the unthinkable: who among them will face mandatory euthanasia?

It could be the story of only one family, but it is not. The entire living world is affected. It's a chilling exploration of how far society might go in the face of environmental collapse. "Humane" forces us to confront uncomfortable questions about survival, sacrifice, and the lengths we'd go to protect ourselves and those we love.


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Video Reviews

Shooting locations

Press Tour

Humane movie - Director Caitlin Cronenberg On Her Debut Feature 'humane'

Ontario DGC

The Movie Report

Digital Rights and OTT

Digital rights and OTT release are not available for this movie yet.