
Order Disorder - 2022 rating

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Order Disorder

Episode 17/17
16 Jul 2022
aur Life
Runtime 26 minutes
Views 29,689
Upvotes 456


Distributed by

aur Life


"Order-Disorder" is a comedy satire in which serious issues of our society are being presented in the form of "Comedy". It's the scenario of a courtroom, in which the Lawyer, accused, jury, and the darbaan are present. An accused person from our society is called in the courtroom and the lawyer seriously puts different allegations to let Characters respond comically. The topic of allegations is always funny throughout the show but presented seriously. In the middle part, some indirect serious discussion is added to educate the audience through content and disseminate some positive aspects. This is to make people think and to educate them at the same time. In the end, Judge/Jury will conclude the whole discussion in a very meaningful judgment that could work for the betterment of society.



Drama Baaz

Digital Rights and OTT

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